The roofing Dallas Texas aspect of your home is an important feature and extra care should be observed when making decisions about it. One of the most important aspects of the design of your house's roof is that it should offer adequate ventilation. If there is not sufficient ventilation, it could lead to an accumulation of moisture. This accumulation could damage the deck of your home's roof. It may also lead to illness among your family members.

In roofing, the standard requirement for ventilation is a square foot of incoming to a square foot of outgoing ventilation. This is based on 300 square feet of attic space. This applies if vapor barrier insulation has been applied. If the insulation was done without a vapor barrier, the requirement should be doubled.

There are a host of reasons why your roof should have adequate ventilation. Enough ventilation will cool down the area in the attic. It will allow your home to become more energy efficient and this could be a massive cost saving to you. The incidence of fire is reduced in the roof area. It prevents the build-up of condensation and moisture on the inside section of the roof decking. This prevents rotting of the wood on the deck.

If you decided to go the route of hiring a roofing Dallas Texas
company to consult on ventilation, you will be offered a range of vent types. Roofers will offer you roof ridge vents which are normally placed on the ridge line of your home's roof. Ridge vents are suitable for the outflow of heat, stale air and moisture. Eaves and soft fit vents are normally placed at the lower edge of the roof. It is suitable for the inflow of air.

Many years ago, homes were not sealed as well as the newer homes. You often found cracks and openings around the windows and the doors. These cracks and openings often allowed the inflow of air to the inside of your home. Since it is known that hot air rises, the heat and moisture accumulation inside the house would normally rise to the attic and it would flow out through the vents in the roof.

If you do not have sufficient ventilation if the roof of your home, the moisture that goes into the attic, combined with the warm air, would create condensation. This would settle on the inner parts of the roof deck. This moisture is created inside your home through bathing, laundry, cooking and other similar actions. Once this condensation settles on the decking of the roof, it will promote rot.

The result is not only the damage to the wood, but the moisture could release mold spores into the air that is breathed in by members of the household. If the problem is not found and sorted, the roof deck may collapse because of the rot that is present and the air that is in your home will not be healthy.

Once damage has been caused to the deck of the roof, it could cause the shingles to move because the wood will move due to rot. This may result in roof leaks which will require the attention of a roofing Dallas Texas consultant to help with repairs. As can be noted, adequate roof ventilation should be a priority. You should ensure that your roof has suitable ventilation and if it does not, take the necessary steps to immediately resolve this problem.

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