Pipes vary depending on how it will be used in industries or households. But its main usage is to be the connection or a mean of distributing goods to every house and establishments like water, gasoline and electricity. In electricity, they are used to protect the wires from direct contact to any foreign objects. And there are many materials used to make this such as aluminum pipes. Material would depend on where and until when it will be used.

There are many types of metals usually used for this but the most used these days are the aluminum and stainless. How do this two materials differ is the thing that puts interrogative mark into our head. How is it friendly to the users, we must first check on the convenience of the two. The former needs a welder who is considered an expert in order to get a clean work compared to the stainless which only needs someone who can weld.

Looks can be deceiving but this time it can depending on how it is useful. The shiny dark appearance of the stainless can be an asset if you do not want the tubes to be too head turner. But this is not good for underwater for it can be hardly seen there. What is ideal for too much dark is the other one because of its bright appearance, the only thing is that it does not shine.

When it comes to the durability, aluminum is corrosive resistant and this is why it is used in hostile places and machines like aircrafts and engine parts. But this is not as strong as the steel because it easily breaks because it is somehow malleable which made it prone to deformation.

Nobody could avoid knowing the price of something even the billionaires. Probably the steel wins as the cheaper per one per pound but unluckily, people buy tubes per unit or per volume and aluminum got the trophy for this.It is much lighter than the steel and that is why it is cheap.

As said, the latter is lighter and this is why most of the engine powered tools are using this because they mostly taking advantage of its weight. A rocket can hardly be launched if it is all made in stainless steel, it will make it heavy and will lower its speed, so as the airplane and zeppelins. Weight plays a big role because it can lessen the speed and consume a lot of energy.

The good thing about it is that it does not attract with the magnetic field and this is why scientist are using this for satellites since magnetic field is just everywhere in the outer space. Its color also is good for a lifetime for it does not rust unlike the other one.

Both of them have assets in some ways, and because of this nobody can tell what is good or not but you. They really differ and made for different usage. And so, you will be the one to consider which one you really need most.

The idea that aluminum pipes have are potentials for space exploration can be deceiving. Again, consider the need and not what you want. Think what is more important than knowing that it can go to space.

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